Economic DevelopmentEducationIndustrial & ManufacturingNon-Profit
IncubatorWorks is a resource for business startups and expansions in the Southern Tier of New York. From ideation, to testing, to limited production, to full manufacturing - we are here to help. With three locations to support every phase of the business development and production process, we are here to help you start or grow your business in a cost effective, supportive environment until it is ready to 'graduate' with continued business success.
Here are Five Things You May Not Know about IncubatorWorks
1. We are the only ceramics and glass science incubator in the world.
2. We wear two hats, serving entrepreneurs of Ceramic and Glass Sciences and Main Street Businesses.
3. We will help someone who just has an idea.
4. Our accelerator program, called ''Co.Starters'' is 11 weeks long and helps someone validate their ideas, giving their business a higher success rate.
5.We serve as an inclusive and diverse community of entrepreneurs. All are welcome!